A place where Colorado Rockies baseball card collectors (all 3 of us) can waste some time reading about our favorite sport. The Rockies and their cards will be the primary focus, but I like to go off on tangents as well so anything and everything baseball related may be covered here.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

*WANTLIST* My Mountains to Climb in 2013 Set List

One of my Mountains to Climb in 2013 was to finish off at least 12 of 15 sets that I am closest to completing.  I didn't finish this goal last year, but I am updating the list for 2013 and will hopefully be more successful.  If you have any of these and want to trade, just comment below.  I have many dupes from each of these sets if you are building them or I have many dupes from several other sets in the 1986-1993 time period.  I could even hook you up with a starter set if there is one you are interested in building.

1984 Topps - COMPLETE

1986 Fleer
108 218 369 374 644 646

1987 Donruss
14ERR 22COR 25ERR 180 269 306 332 549 553 572 

1988 Fleer
68ERR 425ERR 462ERR

1989 Donruss - COMPLETE

1991 Donruss
50 COR 57COR 436COR 574 673 12BC ERR 15BC

1992 Donruss - COMPLETE

1992 Score
1 162 168 186 294 364 483 488 492 494 496 499 699 716 725 728 759 765 768 781 783 787 794 802 814 822 839 842 845 847 850 851 853 870 871 883

1994 Topps
90 117 157 175 181 183 188 191 239 244 253 283 332 348 374 399 401 406 408 410 413 415 416 418 425 426 430 432 439 443 445 446 451 453 456 462 463 465 468 472 481 483 491 492 494 495 496 497 498 500 501 502 505 510 515 529 531 536 539 542 548 554 555 564 565 566 568 569 574 576 583 598 600 619 631 642 651 664 670 673 674 676 679 681 683 691 693 694 698 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 711 714 716 719 720 722 723 739 744 750 759 762 763 767 777 781 784 785 787

2005 Topps Rookie Cup - COMPLETE

2006 Topps
83 106 151 297 416 424 426 504 532 552 635 643

2008 Topps Heritage
11 12 16 21 24 40 68 69 90 92 155 180 224 225 228 301 323 334 335 426 427 430 431 433 434 436 437 441 445 449 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 472 474 475 479 480 482 483 485 489 490 491 492 493 496 498 499 500

2008 Topps Update - COMPLETE

2009 Topps - COMPLETE

2009 Topps Update - COMPLETE


Mark Kaz said...

I have the following 1994 Topps cards: 177, 215, 219, 246, 267, 289, 355, 474, 506, 508, 543, 559, 592, 649, 656, 672, 717, 786

Drop me a line; I'd be happy to send 'em your way...

Johngy said...

Shoot me an email. I have some 09 Topps Updates, 84 Topps and 86 Fleers.

Adam Kaningher said...

I may be able to help out with some of these, and I have a good deal of extra Rockies lying around.

Get in touch if you'd like to do a trade!